How News Travels by Judy Katz
ISBN: 978-1-878851-25-3
Paperback 112 pages $18.00
Release date: August 15, 2023
Available now directly from Silverfish Review Press, follow the PayPal link below
Judy Katz’s poems have appeared on Poetry Daily and in The New York Times Book Review, Salamander, The Women’s Review of Books, Plume, upstreet, and other print and online journals. Her work has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize and widely anthologized, appearing in such publications as Best Indie Lit New England, The Best of the Bellevue Literary Review and Tree Lines: 21st Century American Poems. Judy graduated from Barnard College and received an MFA in poetry from Sarah Lawrence College. For many years, she worked as a documentary filmmaker and producer of public television. Judy currently teaches poetry in New York City.
”By exploring presence and absence and presence in absence, Judy Katz creates quietly revelatory elegies and odes for the shifting relationships of mid-life: the death of a mother, the independence of grown children, the intimacy of romance and trust between husband and wife. These poems feel both inevitable and surprising, as they invite us into the passage of time. "There is a trail I can follow—/ each of us leaves it, / our light impress..." she writes, and we are transformed by her attention to detail, fresh imagery, and wonder. This is a collection to savor, for 'who can sleep / when it keeps arriving / over and over / the world, the world.’” —Ellen Bass
“Judy Katz is a brilliant poet. Her work is luminous and transparent as a mountain lake, and under the surface—the complexities: Katz is a storyteller who examines how we use stories to smuggle ourselves into the future, how the images we forge of each other conceal us—“sometimes the wide open space of you gone/is all it takes to let the whole world in.” These poems are hauntingly spiritual, but it's not a performative spirituality that finds answers in peak experience: it's the intuition that breathtaking questions are braided into the weaving and unweaving of our lives. The voice is so alive, often so playful—and again and again, you will find yourself in a dialogue with the unknowable. Poems like “The Last Five Minutes” are dazzling. How News Travels is a stunning book.” —D. Nurse
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